Quand les lesbiennes se font du cinéma
The Paris International Lesbian & Feminist Film Festival "Quand les lesbiennes se font du Cinéma", organized by Cineffable, aims at promoting and encouraging the broadcasting of short films, videos and full-length films on feminist and lesbian themes directed by women and/or lesbians filmmakers. The Festival is scheduled every year in late October-early November. Films will be screened in Paris.
The films must have been directed by women and/or lesbians.
There are no submission fees. All fees related to shipment of preview copies to the Festival and insurance must be prepaid by the producer or director.
The final submission deadline is May 15th, 2025.
Only DVDs and digital files are accepted for preview screening. Do not send master tapes for preview screening. Only submissions accompanied by a completed entry form will be considered. A separate entry form must be completed for each submission. An original or English transcript must be enclosed with the entry form. A transcript must also be enclosed for French works. Please do make sure you have clearly labelled your DVD and DVD cases with the title of the film, its running time, the director's name and a contact phone number. We encourage filmmakers to enclose additional press materials and stills with the entry form. Preview materials of the selected films will not be returned. They will be added to the Cineffable video library with a restricted access to Cineffable members.
Submitted works will be screened and selected by the Cineffable Screening and Programming Commission. Filmmakers will be notified of selection decisions by mail or e-mail. There is no exclusion rule for the selected works.
Screening digital files that meet our criteria must be received by July 15th, 2025, at the latest.
Transport costs and insurance fees of screening prints on their way to the Festival, as well as any other related charges, notably customs forwarding fees, will be at the producer or director's expense. Transport costs and insurance fees of screening prints to other festivals or back to the director will be at the Festival's expense. In case of loss or damage to a print, the obligation of the Festival is limited to compensating the filmmakers for the cost of making a new print.
Unless otherwise stated, Cineffable has the rights to use and display all the materials related to the selected film (including extracts from the film not exceeding three minutes) free of charge.
Prior to any submission to the Festival, the sender will ensure that she has received the express permission of the copyright holder(s) of the work. She guaranties Cineffable and/or its representatives against any claims from third parties and expressly undertakes to indemnify Cineffable and/or its representatives of any claim and damages arising from any contestation regarding copyrights and/or other rights, including attorney fees.
All films, including those in French, are subtitled by the volunteers of Cineffable. These subtitles remain the intellectual property of the association and may be used by other festivals on the condition that the latter have obtained all necessary authorisations from all relevant parties and have paid all necessary screening fees.
By validating below this entry form, the participant agrees without reservation to the conditions and terms as stated in this document.