Quand les lesbiennes se font du cinéma

October 28th to November 1st, 1998

  Archives 1998

Awards of the 10th Festival 1998

Audience Awards

Everything Will Be Fine
Reno Finds Her Mom
After the 2nd Date
Traveling Companion

Poster Competition

Poster of the 10th Festival 1998 designed by Cineffable

Screenplay Competition

The 5th screenplay competition's prize (10 000 F for production financing) went to Marine Place for Corps Vision.

CEL (Centre Evolutif Lilith from Marseille) Award

The CEL from Marseille has attributed a prize of 5 000 F to Cecilia Neant-Falk and Nina Bergström's Väninnor - berättelser från garderoben (Companions – Tales from the Closet) (medium-length documentary, Sweden, 1996).

Lesbia Magazine Award

Perverted Justice (medium-length documentary, UK, 1996) by Donna Clark was awarded the Lesbia Magazine Prize of 8 000 F.
Special mention was given to Haine comme normal (short fiction, France, 1997) by Karine Nuris.