19th Festival 2007 Exhibition
Cineffable, the Paris International Lesbian and Feminist
Film Festival, pcontinues this year, from October 31 to
November 4, and for the 12th year will be promoting
the visibility of plastic artists. Working as usual on
an associative and militant basis, the 2007 festival
gives pride of place to a feminist and lesbian unity.
Artists will invest their works in many parts of the
Trianon cinema: the mezzanine and the Winter Garden in
the case of the 13 artists selected for the
traditional section, and throughout the cinema in situ
installations will be placed by the six artists and
collectives of the "FSPACE" section.
The Mezzanine and Winter Garden
Whether they be professionals, confirmed or
self-taught, five photographers, one sculptress, six
painters-designers and one performer will take
position on the question "what is my gender ?" Coming
from France, Italy, and Israel, 11 of these 13 artists
will be on show for the first time at Cineffable.
Among them will be Lupe Ficara (painter-performer), Saliâme Kheloufi (photographer-slam poet), Cathy Peylan (photographer) Isabelle Mercier (painter), Caroline Saint-Loup (painter-
designer), Rosine Arroyo (painter), Natacha Lemoine (photographer), CKlaire (sculptress), Joanna Borderie (photographer), Tsila Goldstein (painter), Corina Mathieu (painter).
Press kit (in french only)
FSPACE2: Performing gender
Basing our decision to continue presenting artwork using the whole of the Trianon as an exhibition space on last year's success of the FSPACE concept, we are pleased to offer you a second FSPACE version, entitled Performing gender. The exhibition will concentrate on new and innovative contemporary art forms dealing with gender. Artists: Evelin Stermitz (Austria), Anja Hempel (France / Germany), Sophie Boulet and E. P. (France / Italy), Le collectif Hungry Hearts (Norway), Dyke Rivers (France).
Press kit (in french only)
Cathy Peylan is launching this year her new episode of the series « Girls on the dark side # 7 » with her vision of the seven capital sins, notably anger.
Press kit (in french only) www.peylan.com |
Caroline Saint-Loup, designer and painter. By tracing
a smooth outline with clear lines she will offer  compositions of nudes on a background of earth where
light, movement and women's bodies are mixed. A beautiful figure.
Press kit (in french only) |
Natacha Lemoine, photographer, is offering this year a
photographic exhibit.  Through her choice of props, old
and more recent books, computer and lexicon she throws
into question gender and sex, social standards, the
masculine and the feminine. Her photographic touch
establishes an inventory of standards and counter
standards of gender identity in 2007.
Press kit (in french only)
Joanna Borderie, photographer, through her « X » and  « butterfly », series questions through her artist's gaze
stereotypes, idealised or stigmatised objects of
representations of women in their daily activities,
from the time they get up to the time they go to
sleep, fragments of lives and places in the framework
of a photographic patchwork.
Press kit (in french only) |
Rosine Arroyo, plastic artist. Her pictoral work, in
flamboyant colours, a mixture of techniques and
expressionist abstraction, interprets the form, the
sensuality, the interpretation of the body, of the
spirit, the nude: the interiorisation of her own
search according to her feminist ethic.
Press kit (in french only) |
Corina Mathieu, plastic artist, who recycles images
from women's magazines and what they convey. Her work,
which is a mixture of collages  and graphic arts,
images and texts, constructs and deconstructs the
daily lives of women, unceasingly reinventing them.
The artist questions love, suffering. "My work talks
about women and aims at the universality of words. It
inspires real images and our mental projections. In
Press kit (in french only) |
CKlaire, sculptress, between convex and concave. « Vénus »  is a homage to women from around the world. « Chemin de vie », « Carré de couleur » are part of her series « Un monde en arc en ciel » in a multiplicity of colours and
forms and materials.
Press kit (in french only)
Isabelle Mercier, painter. Works on the feminine body
where forms and movements create images free of sense, the emergence of a feminine sensitivity "where everyone can find themselves changed". |
Lupe Ficara, Italian plastic artist through her project « Le tribunal des phras es performatives » sets
up an area of little sentences which describe to us
through stereotypes, expressions, looks, perception of
gender in everyday life. Disturbing !
Press kit (in french only)
lupeficara.art |
Saliâme Khéloufi, photographer, slam poet, has
photographed from a journey from « Paris Berlin », the
colours of women, photographs of an urban reality. A
poetic regard where text and image are the basis for
her work and where it is a question of living together
in "a vast togetherness".
slamaleikoum.over-blog.com |
Tsila Goldstein, painter, brings us from Israel,
through her story, her view of women, childhood,
society. Her series « Lace maker » and « We Women », which
makes a reference to « A room of one's own » by Virginia
Woolf, relate the beauty, the sadness, the memories,
the spiritual and personal needs of space in private
life. Beautiful abstract compositions of paintings
where acrylic colours, sand, coloured earth, iron,
embroidery are mixed together. Precious.
Press kit (in french only)
Evelin Stermitz (Austria), Video Installation, 3 min
« Structural Model »
Evelin Stermitz uses all media forms, combining photography, video and installation. She primarily focuses on the conceptualization of both female and social concepts. Her projects prompt questions and inspire thought around gender, models and archetypes and the relationship between men and women as defined, for instance, by Lacan.
Hungry Hearts Collective (Norway), Performance
The Hungry Hearts is a Norwegian group composed of 5 female performers.
Their direct and provocative texts, combined with impressionistic music, create an atmosphere full of humor and second degree colors.
They also make short films of their performances. This year, they are presenting a live music performance on the Trianon stage and two of their short films. Performance on Saturday at 8pm.
Sophie Boulet and E. P. (France / Italy), Installation
« Vagina Dentata »
Vagina Dentata is a story hung out to dry, appropriating the phallus at the junction between the desire of castration and patriarchy. Cut off male genitals, the male stereotypes of Superman, Soldier, Urban Suit Professional and Santa Claus all hung up like wash to dry. True revisition of stereotypes in gender representation. Perfoming gender becomes a transformation of the Housewife into Amazon warrior.
Anja Hempel (France / Germany), dance video
« Flesch »
Anja Hempel studied classical dance at Berlin Opera and jazz in New York before studying contemporary dance at the North Carolina School of the Arts. Back in Europe, she dances in France and Germany in choreographies by Joseph Tmim, Bernardo Montet, Francois Raffinot and Christoph Winker.
« Flesch » - Before the very recent silicone revolution, classical dancers used other materials to alleviate the pain of their squeezed toes in dancing shoes, like slices of meat, usually veal but chicken would also do quite nicely. This is how dance took meat/flesh on, shaped it, tortured it and exhibited it. The lieder of flesh sings the carnal pain (of the flesh) of classical dancers, of women in high heels, of choreographers and of beefsteaks.
Presentation during the screening of Flesh. Presentation during the screening of Flesh + Performance November 4th.
Dyke Rivers Collective (France), Installation
« Dyke Rivers office »
The Dyke Rivers Collective is starting a cooperative program to pool together the skills and knowledge of dykes. The Office that will be set up during the festival will be a venue for encountering, archiveing and networking. The DR Office aims to create a database of ambitions, desires and skills in all categories of knowledge. It will also allow women to meet one another, create new feminist and lesbian projects, promote our culture and simply, conquer the world.
dykerivers.free.fr |
The selection of these artists followed, like every
year, a process launched in the month of January where
a team of volunteers -- this year there are four of us
from the traditional exhibition side (Anne-Marie,
Nolwenn, Peggy and Patricia) and two from the FSPACE
side (Melanie and Edith) -- got together to launch a
tender for artistic projects, and to distribute it in
militant and commercial artistic channels.
Candidacies are accepted up to June 30 and the
definitive selection of the artists takes place after
numerous sessions in which the projects are viewed and
discussed within the exhibition commitee. The
management of contacts with artists and the setting up
of press dossiers takes place over the summer while
technical questions, organisation of the exhibition
spaces and the establishment of adequate lighting
takes place in the weeks preceding the festival.
Like all the commissions in Cineffable, the make-up of
the exhibition commission changes every year according
to the availability and wishes of its members. No need
to have artistic knowledge to join us, just inform us
of your sensitivity and your interest in working in a
team !