20th Festival 2008 - FSPACE 3
I n t e r n a t i o n a l e Tr a n s - d i s c i p l i n a r y E x h i b i t
FSPACE is an art exhibit presenting site-specific international projects designed for the time and space of the Paris International Lesbian and Feminist Film Festival at the Trianon. FSPACE allows us to see videos, installations, performances and original drawing from artists from Russia, Austria, Lebanon, the USA, Spain, Italy, Norway, Germany and France.
Without pre-defined exhibit spaces or a single theme, this year's projects for FSPACE 3 will fit in all over the Trianon, in unexpected nooks and crannies and between the cracks, to establish productions outside of the norms of traditional wall hangings. This year, FSPACE 3 will propose a European selection and will focus particularly on emergent types of contemporary art pairing performance issues with questions of gender.
The show will present works by women artists who share a commitment to asserting their identity, however multi-facetted it may be, and a rejection of social, political and artistic borders. The show aims to change our gaze and our relationship to the works by fitting them into the fleeting moments of encounters, passing through, waiting or walking by...
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Cathy Peylan (France)
Private collection >>> Photographs / Installation >>> Entrance Hall
As in her photographic work about dance, Cathy Peylan's autobiographical photos aim to speak the language of the body. Editing, overlapping, alliance and interactions of all "genres/genders" for an artist who is well-known at Cineffable, and who proudly proclaims the role of "lesbian artist". Her photos will slip into unexpected nooks in the Trianon in an order and rhythm that will change and evolve over the course of the festival.
www.peylan.com |
Line Skywalker Karlström (Denmark/Sweden)
Privilege and punishment >>> Environmental Installation >>> Staircase
Line Skywalker Karlström is a Danish artist living in Germany. Her work is inter-disciplinary and informed by feminism and activism. A cross between sculpture, installation and performance art, it queries social relationships steeped in power struggles via installations, actions questioning the body with clothes, and used and recycled objects. She will present an ephemeral installation specifically designed for the Trianon staircases.
www.lineskykarlstrom.blogspot.com |
Priya Mistry (England)
Whatsthebigmistry >>> Performances >>> Marches
March O', Ladies Right to Expression not Suppression! Performances/Marches
Created in 2002 by Priya Mistry "Whatsthebigmistry" combines living art, performance art, films, photographs and virtual forms. This multidisciplinary approach allows for exploring the collaboration and exchanges in ever-renewed creative process. Her latest projects are made within life's reality, with stories of day-to-day life and personal experiences. They query trans-cultural conflicts and sexual politics. Priya Mistry activates her work by performing with small groups of people, thereby reserving the impact and the process to a limited audience. Straight from London, the artist will propose a march/stroll at the Trianon, on Sunday, November 2 at 5pm, specifically for the festival.
www.priyamistry.co.uk |
Evelin Stermitz (Austria/Slovenia)
White band cut >>> Video Installation >>> Mezzanine
Evelin Stermitz's multi-media work focuses on combining photography, video and installation. The artist is particularly interested in the articulation between the feminine and the social. Her projects generate reflection about gender, models and archetypes, and the ties between men and women, particularly in reference to Jacques Lacan's theories.
es.mur.at |
Lucie Rocher (France)
Ce réveil... >>> Video-Sound Installation >>> Projection specific 1st-floor space
French artist Lucie Rocher's work pairs photography with three-dimensional installations, sometimes including sound, in which the body has a dominant role. A body constrained by the format or space... For the festival, Lucie Rocher proposes a confined sound space, where listening becomes an intimate act, and the story, a personal one.
lucierocher.over-blog.com |
Collectif Lemeh42 (Italy)
Study on human form and humanity >>> Video >>> Mezzanine
For many years, this video-filmmakers' collective has been developing a body of work based on performance pieces or choreographed works. Each time, the body is posed in its humanity, sometimes in a very artistic and dream-like way, sometimes in the hollows of brief narratives.
lemeh42.indivia.net |
Cendres Lavy (France)
To Prove To Be (S'avérer) >>> Wall Paintings >>> Restrooms
The work of French artist Cendres Lavy is based on collecting photos, screen grabs and texts exchanged electronically. It queries the interactions that exist between visual fields, the different forms of domination and the collective unconscious. Thus the artist attempts to indicate to what extent reality won't let itself be reflected and to signify that images can be anything but innocent.
cendres.lavy.free.fr - www.cendres-lavy.com
Our partners: the Danish Art Council and the Austrian Cultural Forum |