The Printemps de Cineffable - Wednesday, May 14
April showers bring May flowers... and films that show us as we are!
Fear of the "other" and hate-filled discourse are back in the headlines, so let's come together to make a loud and clear statement: our bodies, our lives, and our images are our own. For this new edition, the Printemps de Cineffable is joining Idahot (International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia) Week, by focusing on the lives and work of LGBT activists.
6 P.M.
In the USA, Tony Ferraiolo organizes workshops for trans-gender children and teens and their parents.
A Self-Made Man ("On ne naît pas homme"), a documentary by Lori Petchers, paints the portrait of this dynamic, passionate and fascinating transgender activist.
A festival favorite!
After the screening, a round table organized in conjunction with the Pôle Jeunesse (Youth Department) of the Paris LGBT Centre will give us an overview of the situation for trans-gender youth in France.
At 8 P.M.
In Uganda, lesbians and gay men are the targets of relentless hateful policies. The "anti-homosexuality" law, which makes both homosexual relations (real or accused) and 'promoting homosexuality' punishable by prison has forced Ugandan lesbians and gay men to go underground.
For an evening of solidarity, we are proud to present the Talented Ugandan Kuchus - TUK Paris, who will perform "We Are One", a show that includes song and dance. In response to the growing repression of LGBT people in Uganda, a group of activist artists created a show condemning homophobia and the persecution of LGBT people. Banned in Uganda, the show is being reinterpreted by exiled performers seeking exile in France.
This is a rare occasion to see this brave, funny and moving show, and to support these courageous performers.
Your donations will go into a fund to help support these gender and sexual-orientation refugees, while they go through the long and arduous process of obtaining asylum in France.
The performance will be preceded by a selection of short films:
L'amour n'est jamais sale,
Pauline et
Quand aimer en Afrique on le paye de sa vie.
Practical information
Doors opening at 17:30. These screening are open to all, male and female.
A donation is requested to help cover the costs of equipment rental and screening fees required for this even to take place.
Salle Olympe de Gouges
15, rue Merlin - Paris 11e
Metros Père Lachaise (L2 & L3) or Voltaire (L9)
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