Exhibition - 24th Festival 2012
“The art that interests me is a form of resistance. It should shake up our preconceived notions, overturn our convictions […]” ORLAN, French contemporary artist
Alongside the films programmed, this year, Cineffable will once again be presenting an art exhibit that focuses on 3 themes: women in society, their experience and emancipation; violence against women and gender identity.
1. Women in society, their experience and emancipation...
« Plaisirs étouffés » (“Stifled Pleasures”), by Marie de Boissezon, is a sound installation of women’s sexual pleasure confronted with disinformation and social negation.
« De la vie secrète des jouets » (“The Secret Life of Toys”) by Aleksandra Gregorczyk, is a broken open painting of an adult woman who has trouble leaving her childhood.
« Nous ne le savions pas » (“We didn’t know”), by Marjolaine Dégremont, is an installation of little girls’ white dresses covered with drawings of insects, like an “unspeakable poetry connected to a wound".
« Back to the Origin » by Frankie M , includes drawings, paintings and embroidery on paper, of her genitals and her blood, like a return to her origins.
« Marée mémoire » (“Memory Tide”), by Nicole Baillehache, is a video-dream-sequence of women’s bodies sculpted out of sand, women erased and renewed with each tide.
« Cuisse de nymphes émues » (“Trembling Nymphs’ Thighs”), by Luce de Tétis, is an installation that disfigures and reconfigures the female body.
« Barbie au Tapis » (“Barbie in the Ring”), by Céline Delas, is a series of cut-out collages of media images showing a feminine and deliberately combative world, playing with stereotypes, the better to overturn them.
« La femme qui rit » (“The Laughing Woman”), by Elisabeth Vallaud, is an interactive work. It allows women to laugh, and thereby to emancipate themselves. A woman was arrested in July 2010 for having laughed on the beach in Gaza. Every woman can experience what it is to be the laughing woman...
Violence against women...
« L’effraction » (“The Break-In”), by Clara Scherrer, is the first part of a video trilogy about violence against women: iolence done to women’s pleasure and sexuality.
« Mademoiselle » by Emilie Jouvet, is a video about the violence done to women in their relationship to men as objects of desire.
« Immune » by Sophie Lannier, is the photographic, figurative and poetic account of one woman’s survival and resilience. According to a January, 2009 study, 5% of women in France say that they have been victims of incest.
Gender Identity...
« Pierre-Yves » by Maryline M’Gaïdes, is a series of photographs that stigmatize notions of gender by exploring the limits of feminine and masculine.
« Climax » by Corinne Mariaud, is a series of photographs that question identity and are both thought-provoking and discomforting.
« Let it go » by Emilie Jouvet, is a series of subversively staged photo portraits that play with gender and identity.
A film-shoot workshop is being run by Emilie Jouvet in the Chapel of the Théâtre de Ménilmontant on Saturday and Sunday November 3rd & 4th, 2012.
Emilie Jouvet will shoot a triptych composed of three unusual figures of female “riot saints” – three strong women whose history will be revisited from a feminist and subversive perspective. Barbara, the matron saint of lightning and explosions, is called upon for protection from sudden death; Lucie is the matron saint of the blind and of light, who protects eyes and knowledge, Dymphna, the matron saint of madwomen, protects women runaways from rape.
The actress-performer Louise De Ville will play all three saints.