Exhibition - 25th Festival 2013
The art show for the 25th edition of the Paris International Lesbian and Feminist Film Festival is composed around women's bodies.
1. Women's bodies against stereotypes
Bea-A presents her terracotta sculptures of plump, affectionate and joyful women that transgress the codes of classical beauty in order to overcome esthetic prejudice.
Carina Wachsmann et Martina Biccheri, in their photo series " 10 minutes", urge us to undo archetypal media representations of lesbian sex acts in order to apprehend new images in a more or less realistic way.
2. Women's bodies / Sex objects and targets
Clarisse Rebotier offers a photo series inspired by the feminist slogan " On display or veiled - a rock or a hard place?". Sensually and with a sense of humor, the series addresses women's right not to be sex objects.
Iona Hughes presents a series of drawings exploring the demeaning terms, symbols and euphemisms used to describe women and their bodies. Inspired by Shakespeare's words and by insults aimed at women.
3. Women's bodies / Activist expression
Veradias is proposing a 2- x 5-meter-long participatory artwork upon which festivalgoers can portray their bodies and their lesbian and feminist commitment in order to both illustrate and celebrate 25 years of Cineffable.
Evelin Stermitz, with the video " I don't love you any more" illustrates the slogans " [...] saying 'yes' also means being able to say 'no' [...]" and " I don't want to be the woman of your dreams, I want to be the woman of my own."
4. Women's bodies / Bearing witness to suffering
X.Tin paints wounded or tormented women. Women who have been doubly punished, because they're women and because humiliation, preferably public, is added to their torment. Women who are wounded in their flesh, their actions and their dreams.
5. The hybrid body
Sophie Lannier offers an archeological installation of a mutant world, the rhizome of a horizontal organization; ungendered hybrid beings, resulting from a dig that took place at the Porte de Bagnolet in June 3013.