Exhibition - 26th Festival 2014
The art show for the 26th edition of the Paris International Lesbian and Feminist Film Festival continues its interrogation of the representation of women's bodies.
# Women's bodies # Expression of creative freedom # through the stone sculptures of Catherine Huré
Incomplétus # 2000 # Gypse # 20x35x48 cm
Déli-Cate # 1996 # Pierre de Saint-Maximin # 47x16x27 cm
In her stone works, which represent the first and greatest part of her creative life, Catherine Huré expresses the pleasure and the sensuality of the female body. The life, the joy, the vivaciousness, and the vitality of life appear in the movement. They are the reflection of an internalised happiness that abandons itself to an insolent freedom of ecstasy. They indicate this movement of destiny that rediscovered creation has brought her. Thanks to this creative freedom she has found the way to an authentic and deeply human life.
Sculptrice and visual artist, she takes part in symposiums, artist residences, and exhibits and sells her work in France and abroad. She practises sculpture, modelling, and painting on stone, wood and resin. Her repertoire places itself in an imagination inspired by dreams, fairytales and mythology from across the world, symbols and the archetypes that she transcribes in stone, clay, wood, metal and other materials that she assembles, which in 2008 gave life to gateways that she names "Structurelles".
# Women's bodies # Expression of identity # through the drawings of Outi Munter
Dessin 1 # 14,8x20,8 cm # crayon et aquarelle sur du papier à dessin
Jeu # 29,5x42 cm # crayon et aquarelle sur du papier à dessin
The faces and the characters that Outi Munter has drawn since childhood translate her questioning on identity and the way we make our place among others. If her illustration work allows her to leave these interrogations and to traverse other universes, then her personal work allows her to return.
The works presented are at the heart of this research on the social reconciliation between our solitary independence and our sensual, tactile and emotional needs. How do we yield to the power games? Do we need to define ourselves in order to build our identity? Can our femininity, our desires and our emotions be defined?
# Women's bodies # Activist Expression 1 # through a photographic series by Laurence Prat
The series "auteures/autrices", made up of portraits of writers, journalists or academics, and feminists, published in the Editions iXe, seek to give a new visibility to the portrait of women while shifting the lines and view points of the photographic eye. "I question the execution of the portrait according to whether it is of a woman or a man. The men are generally portrayed in a realistic way, with rather direct and strong lights and have dynamic postures, which entail action. On the other hand, for the women everything is softened, the features are attenuated and are often represented in a passive way. With the series "auteures/autrices", I don't aim to photograph these women as men would be photographed. But I redistribute the rules by making women's portraits, without another stylisation than theirs, with direct light and shade. I'm interested in the subject before me and don't lock it up in stereotypes."
Laurence Prat began photography during her studies with Orleans School of Art and of Design (ESAD), where in 1985/86 she obtained her degree in fine arts and expression, with the compliments of the jury. Since then, based in Paris, she works as an independent photographer. Specialising in reportage for companies and institutions, she also does studio photography and digital retouching, while developing her artistic work in parallel, notably portraits, with her latest 3 series: "portrait/self-portrait" (a series of portraits of Palestinian artists - 1996), "Impulses" (a series of portraits of women artists and intellectuals from various countries and who came to Paris to live their lives freely - 2008) and "auteures/autrices", 2013, (Nicole-Claude Mathieu, Anaïs Bohuon, Emmanuèle Jawad, Françoise Picq, Martine Storti, Suzanne Robichon, Christine Aubrée, Andrée Michel, Isabelle Auricoste, Pinar Selek, Éliane Viennot, Dominique Fougeyrollas-Schwebel, Françoise Basch, Elsa Dorlin, Katy Barasc, Anne-Marie Faure-Fraisse, Lydie Rauzier, Corinne App, Béatrice Fraenkel, Anne Larue, Brigitte Lhomond, Jules Falquet, Oristelle Bonis et des militantes du groupe d'action féministe La Barbe).
Suzanne Robichon # Photographie # 40x60 cm # et citation cartel format A5
Rosa Bonheur, a renowned 19th century animal painter, wrote a clause in her will with the characteristic audacity and freedom that she showed all her life. By these few lines, she breaks the patriarchal law that does not recognise any relationships other than family. This splendid piece of nose-thumbing concludes an impassioned working life, accompanied first of all by Nathalie Micas, then later by Anna Klumpke… (Extract from the presentation to Rosa Bonheur, "This is my will...", Editions iXe, 2012, p. 9).
# Women's bodies # Activist expression 2 # through the participative performances of Laure Degras

On the basis of the "One Hundred words to write in the steps of Geneviève Pastre": Hang. Love-lock. Crest. Aimee & Jaguar. Love. Azure. Butch. Callipyge. Caressefil. Censure. Cherry. Flesh. Chance. Capsize. Hair. Lapping. Body. Color. Cyprine. Dance. Slacken. Turnings. Devour. Finger. Give. Sleep. Softness. Cloth. Flag. Flash. Light. Burst. Skim. Embobinette. Intertwine. Twist. Star. Fever. Wire. Girls. Son. Fur. Pass very close to. Cake. Genevieve. Intensity. Intimidate. Jealousy. Enjoy. Lesbonophiler. Deliver. Light. Hand. Evils. Memory. Miaow. Mirrors. Moistness. Handkerchief. Mystery. Night. Obsidian. Bird. Share. Passion. Skin. Wind into a ball. Continue. Pearl. Photograph. Plenitude. Rage. Realize. Look at. Meet. Resist. Feel. Dream. Revolt. Redden. Encase. Embolden. Schist. Thread. To know oneself. Sensuality. Serendipity. Smile. Tease. Storm. Tenderness. Treason. Train. Disturb. Velvet. Wind. Life. Want. Eyes. Zemblanity.
Laure Degras offers vocal and musical performances: words are selected randomly, or not, and improvisation starts… Small forms that exist thanks to the participants, the listening time, the game time.
To dare, share, transmit: the life of Laure Degras hangs on these three verbs with more or less intensity. She teaches the world and what others have taught her. She dares to share, the colors, the notes, the words and the songs, in tribute to those and especially with those who make her who she is. Far from convention and frameworks, she tries to engrave a process of life, to say... Life, the world.