25th Festival 2013
In 1989, a lesbian group called Saphonie started a film festival; 25 years later, Cineffable has become THE annual lesbian rendezvous in France, and it's thanks to you! Thousands of you have joined us in this unique occasion to listen to diverse voices that can't be heard elsewhere - and to enjoy being part of a multitude, when we are nearly invisible outside...
Every Novemb-her you've accepted our invitation and you've come: thrilled by both the sense of reunion and the new encounters, starved for lesbian culture and dialogue. And, having gotten your fill of all that - and of the delicious offerings from our joyfully political food service - and returned to the outside world after having been recharged and somewhat reconciled by the festival, you have returned!
The quarter of a century that has passed since then has changed us all: a few wrinkles (laugh lines, and anger lines intermingling) have enriched our faces; some women have dropped out, others have taken their place. Some older voices have faded into silence... but whether it's because of that or despite it, we have managed to hang onto our independence, to resist the pressure (however well-intentioned) to allow men, reasserting our pleasure in being amongst Lesbians and joyfully reinventing ourselves as feminists!
All that is why we invite you to help yourselves to another share of activism, another share of lesbianism and another share of feminism... and to put them together to make another festival.
Please join us, and enjoy the festival!
Editorial of the programming committee
For 25 years, lesbians have been making movies, and Cineffable has been screening lesbian and feminist struggles and life as seen and directed by women filmmakers.
Once again this year, we'll get you pumping your fists in pride at being lesbians!
We'll be focusing on our cultural and activist heritage, including 2 special "25th Anniversary" screenings: the cult classic Go Fish plus a selection of off-beat short films.
Two screenings in particular: Lesbiennes en marche* ("Lesbians on the Move") and Deux mères ("Two Mothers") honor this landmark year in our organisation's history.
Plenty of other screenings - including (Pionnières*, Passionate Politics, Lesbiennes de tout temps*, Jasad* and more - present lesbian and feminist struggles past and present.
And we are all Wonder Women !!!*, right? So let's focus on on-going struggles, especially those concerning violence against women (Respect*) and for trans-gendered people's rights (A Self-Made Man, Facing Mirrors).
Then let yourself be transported by an exceptional selection of films from Kenya and the Middle East (Kung Fu Grandma, Graceland Girls, Quest for Honor and more).
And finally, all you eager beavers won't want to miss Camp Beaverton*!
* Screenings followed by a discussion with the filmmaker or someone involved with the issue addressed in the film.
Special Transmission screenings
Last year, for the first time, we proposed a "Transmission Screening"... programming that went back to our roots, (re)introducing films and directors from the earliest editions of the festival, with themes that look back over cinema by and for lesbians.
For this 25th anniversary edition, we are proposing 4 Transmission screenings, because 25 years is a big deal!
Shorts but cult! Festival opening session, Wednesday, October 30, 7:30 p.m.
25 years, 25 short films, well ... not quite 25, or it would have been too long. We have unearthed the treasures that have lit up the past quarter century of lesbian cinema at Cineffable.

So if you want to see how electricity, a cow, an orgasm, a plane, an inflatable pool, a key in an umbrella holder, three funny lesbians and four contemplative Norwegians, a tent, a baby, female movers, World War I, panties in an aquarium and more can turn lesbians' lives upside down, join us.

You won't be disappointed by this dyke-vintage screening!
Plus, we are proud to announce the exceptional presence at the festival of The Hungry Hearts, who will thrill you with the international lesbian anthem In Your Face!
Long and cult! Go Fish, Friday, November 1, 10 p.m.
Come see (again) the 1994 cult movie Go Fish, by Rose Troche, who was also a writer and director for The L Word for three seasons!
You will enjoy getting inside the lives of five women, their dates, clothing problems, endless nights, dreams and love lives...
"Elles sapphichent" ("The Sappho Show") Saturday, November 2, 14:30
A must-see event: Catherine Gonnard and Élisabeth Lebovici give us a guided tour to lesbian presence on French TV in the 1950s and 60s.
The Basics, Sunday, November 3, 14:30
The earliest editions of the "Quand les lesbiennes se font du cinéma" festival gave the lioness's share to experimental films.
Some 80% (or so) of the films selected were non-narrative, non-traditional fiction.
These inventive movies experimented with new ways of representing female bodies and were particularly creative in their approach to the medium of film and its formal features: framing, speed (speeding up and slowing down, flickering etc.), light and shadow, de-synchronization of image and sound, photograms, cutting the celluloid, scratching the surface emulsion, painted films made without cameras, found footage and more...
For this second Transmission screening, we have selected three directors who were key to those early editions of Cineffable: Vivian Ostrovsky, Martine Rousset and Marcelle Thirache.
For all those who remember their work - and all those who have never seen it - this is your chance to enjoy these Cineffable directors' stylistic freedom, as well as to see some of their more recent films, which are poetical, funny and sensual.

We have chosen short, 4- to 14-minute films - both speaking and silent - that together compose a one-hour program leave plenty of time for a Q & A with the directors to discuss their past and cur-rent work.
All these films are distributed by Light Cone (a film distribution company, diffusion and conservation of experimental film, created in 1982 in Paris).
They will be projected in digital version.